Thursday, September 29, 2011

been a while.

its been a while since i have posted anything, but its not because i forgot about this place, rather i cant find any topics to write about. i recently bought Resident Evil 4 off of xbox live, and that combined with dead island must have overloaded my brain because i just cant stop having zombie dreams. i'd go onto further detail but i just cant remember more that a few action packed moments. mostly its me in a closed in space running around trying not to get the infected attention. eventually i do get the attention of the biggest infected in existence and do some weird running/flying thing to escape. i know you cant tell the time it take me to write this thing, but the time it took me to stop the last sentence and start writing this sentence was 6 minutes. while at wok i come up with multiple exciting topics to write about, but once i get home and sit down ot write them down, they just lose all the excitement i felt at first. so in ending, because i just cant think of anything else to write, dont take coupons to Arby's... we hate it, alot.


  1. When I have dreams of Zombies I attack them!
    Never eaten at Arby's!

  2. Brah, don't worry about not posting things.
    Do come by my page sometime :P

  3. Don't worry about it, man. If you got nothing to say don't say it!

  4. I want to play Resident Evil 4!!

  5. lol, you still can write an article about your lack of idea for blogging

  6. i once dreamed i would be mario after playing 17 hours of super mario galaxy 1 + 2... that was wierd

  7. nice stuff dude, keep it up! lovin' it
