Sunday, August 7, 2011

late night

when i know i have the next day off, i stay up way late just surfing the web looking for cool stuff. last night at around 2 in the morning i came across a live action Batman fan made short film. now i know what you are thinking, its fan made so it must not be good. trust me it is very good. its based on the cartoon batman, so there is no armor on the bat and his eyes are solid white. things get a lot more awesome a little after he runs into the joker. its call "dead end" but it should be called A V. P V. B. just watch it, what 8 minutes for an awesome vid.


  1. Saw it before, it's pretty good.
    There's a better fan-made batman movie out there though.

  2. Very cool video! I wonder what happen in the end "/ i wanted to see!

  3. I wasnt expecting much, but it was pretty good. I really enjoyed it!

  4. That was much better than I expected. :)

  5. Sorrow were ever razed, and testy wrath. Supporting!

  6. hahaha nice one, keep it up!
