Friday, July 15, 2011

just to be safe

im sorry to those who believe that aliens aren't real but strange occurrences are happening in this world and if someone or something out there is trying to move in here we need to be prepared. you will call me crazy, saying that it is easy to explain away all of the thing in this video im posting but you cant deny these documented and downright disturbing facts. i saw this video on another blog i follow: check it out, watch the videos, and ask yourself  "if the universe is a massive as we believe, why cant there be other life-forms out there watching us?"


  1. Each time i watch this kind of videos, i dont know if i should be excited or scared to death. They are coming man, sooner than we expect.

  2. i actually swaw a ufo land in front of me about 20 years ago. there were other people who saw it with me. no little men came out, but WHOA = mind blown

  3. I love this UFO stuff but it scares me lol

  4. I think the idea that aliens are real is exciting...but uh its yet to be proven :(

  5. I think it is ignorant to not believe that they have oyher life forms out there somewhere.

  6. These 'sightings' seem to be getting into the media recently =z

    Pretty cool to be honest

  7. If aliens land here I think they will be hostile. I guess the only chance is to move away from major cities.

  8. Woah, that is interesting. Thanks for the new blog to look at, I'm definitely check them out now.

  9. I actually believe that there is extreterrestial lifeform but like bacterias and maybe even animals but not as intelligent as us

  10. I believe there has to be other life...not sure if they are here but there is other life out there.

  11. this is great !

  12. If the aliens would turn out to be friendly, then it'd be great. If not, well, this scenario has already been shown in many movies, we'd have to kick their asses out of our planet lol

  13. Only ignorant people think there's no life in other planets.

  14. I have to say this video freaked me out and I think ima be paranoid for about a week!

  15. I think they are out there, but if our own history tells us anything, when two civilisations meet that have very different levels of technology, the less advanced civilisation gets completely annihilated

  16. Hmm.... I don't know... This is very ambiguous

  17. lawl, thats insane!
    keep it up

  18. It's a shame it's gotten to where if there were aliens, nobody would believe it.

  19. I'm a skeptic but I have to admit some of this stuff is compelling.
